Career path
-Coautora de artículo científico en PubMed.
-Profesora en el Curso Internacional de Medicina Psicosomática.
-Psicóloga Autónoma Colegiada en el COPEX con consulta presencial y online.
-Ponente en talleres y conferencias de orientación psicológicas y sexológicas de diversas temáticas.
-Master in General Health Psychology (UNIR). Outstanding
-Postgraduate in Intervention and Treatment of Anxiety and Stress.
-Monitor of Mindfulness applied to work for stress reduction.(UCM) Outstanding (9.9)
-Co-responsible for the workshop "Thoracic-Emotional Liberation: a new gestalt technique" (II National Conference on Education and Gestalt (UEX).
-Degree in Psychology. Clinical and Health Specialty. (UCM)
-BSC Psychology (Erasmus) – University of Hertfordshire (London)
-University Master's Degree in Sexology, Orientation and Sexual Therapy. (UEX) Outstanding (9.5)
-Supervised internship as a psychologist and equality agent at the Alusamen Mental Health Association (Madrid). Outstanding (9.5) Functions: organization and direction of psychoeducation workshops and women's group, equality workshops. Individualized follow-up of users. Adapted sexuality workshops.
-Equality Workshop (30 h) – (UCM)
-Presentation of two scientific posters at the XLVI National Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine.
-Monitor relaxation with patients with severe mental disorder. Alusamen (Madrid)